Wednesday 12 February 2014

So Dave would rather we had a Labour government than an EU exit?

If you really think about it. The title of this blog is entirely true.

Now I can understand the left and the Liberals wanting us to stay in the EU. They have, it seems to me, (along with the EU-funded national broadcaster - BBC) bought in, hook line and sinker, to the EU project which is palpably a terrible idea for most people in Europe. Everyone is suffering except Germany. And the pain goes on and on.

Tell me I'm wrong about this. Give me examples of how the EU has been of benefit to anyone outside Germany? But don't insult me by raising the 'no more wars' bullshit. It simply does not stack up in the real world. Put that aside and give me solid, factual examples of how the EU is working for the benefit of Europe's citizens.

I have tried to find any. I've tried hard. I want to put forward my arguments in a balanced way, weighing up the pros and cons of the situation before coming to a balanced and fair conclusion. But I cannot find a single reason why the EU is of benefit to anyone in Europe outside of Germany.  I'm keen to understand your logic on this if you're pro the EU.

So what we have, essentially, is a Tory government that wants to offer a referendum (because it knows that is a popular thing amongst the people), but which will campaign for a 'stay in' vote should such a thing (referendum) occur. And which is very unlikely given the current polls and the electoral boundaries.

And this irrespective of what repatriation of powers we might achieve.

Why? Because Dave knows, that we have no chance of regaining any meaningful powers from the EU. It's all just posturing. Populist bollocks, suggesting that we can regain our nation state, where we - the humble voter - decides the future of our country, when actually this is a forlorn hope.

Being in the EU is incompatible with us retaining our nation state status. The EU's publicly stated aim is to achieve a European Federation. A United States of Europe. That's not me being overly strident or over claiming. It's fact.

It wants a European super state run from Brussels. It wants a European army, Europe-wide laws and benefits, an EU-based means of making trade agreements with the rest of the world. That is fact, not speculation.

It is, quite simply the biggest threat to our sovereignty as a nation that we have ever faced. Alongside the two unpleasantnesses of the last century. But it is just a big a deal.  It has the very real potential to deliver exactly the same outcomes that our forefathers shed blood to avoid.

And we're sleepwalking into it.

Pro EU Dave (who I like and respect in many ways) is part of the pro-EU brigade. He's overseeing this slow but steady march of the UK into being subsumed into the United States of Europe. He wants to offer a referendum (so he says) but it's meaningless really if you think about it. There's no bottom line.  No definitive position. No 'without this we will leave' position. No real defense of our national interest or sovereignty. It's a fudge. And the end result of this fudge is that we will be subsumed into the EU machinery.

So then we have UKIP and the many people in this country who recognise the EU federalist threat - mostly current and former Tories who realise and recognise what we really face. But Dave calls them (us) 'Loons' and 'Little Englanders'. In fact we're 'big Englanders' - we want the UK to be an independent powerhouse in the world. As we always have been but how we will not be able to be under the yoke of the EU.

And Dave would rather fail, lose office, lose his job, and leave us to the wolves of the EU than to embrace the popularity of anti-EU feeling in this country.

He'd rather, it seems to me, let us have another disastrous Labour government than do what is right for the UK and its people and its future.

As I say, I like him. But he's a fully fledged idiot on the most important issue we face. In a day and age when (career) politicians will do seemingly anything to hold on to their jobs this is really puzzling. But our mainly pro EU media doesn't seem motivated at all to investigate why this is the case. It's a bit like the climate change issue. One wonders what is really going on. More on that issue here.  

It's time we woke up. Brits are renowned for being tolerant and adaptable. But when we're riled we can beat the world and the many fuckwits therein. It's time for us to become riled again. Not just for us, but for the millions of people in Europe who are suffering because of this completely mad, socialist-leaning EU bollocks.

More here, and here and here

Thanks for reading.


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