Tuesday 26 November 2013

Not joining the Euro was a good thing. Anyone disagree?

Not even the most vehement europhile would even contemplate suggesting that the UK joining the single currency would have been a good thing for this country.

If we had done, we'd probably be Greece by now, only with a higher debt to GDP ratio we'd be even worse off.

And as the EU machine continues inexorably towards a federal Europe with a single everything, from defense to welfare rules, open borders to trade deals with the rest of the world (as Europe rather than individual member states), even Dave is committed to our staying in. Why? Eventually it will mean, as night follows day, that we'll have to adopt the single currency. There's no other credible outcome.

You cannot have a single tax state, a single economy or a single government without a single common currency. It has never been done anywhere else in the world and it won't be done in Europe. So in many ways a vote to stay in, based mainly on ignorance and apathy, is effectively a vote to give up our national identity, our sovereignity, our status as a free country, able to govern itself.

And the people who do currently fulfill that function seem to be committed to handing it all over to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and Strasbourg. What manner of total fuckwittery is at play here?

The question on the referendum paper (if we ever get to that, which I think is highly doubtful) should be: 'do you want the UK to remain a sovereign state or to be governed by the EU as part of the European Union?'

Because that, ultimately, is what is at stake.

But that may well be a moot point because the chances are, strongly, that Labour will be returned to government (God help us) in 2015 and in that eventuality, the referendum will be bunged unceremoniously into the dustbin of history. And we won't then have a choice. This negation of our ability to control our own destiny will have been imposed upon us. Probably permanently.

Our only hope, it seems to me, is for Dave to get his act together, to try (perhaps) to repatriate some vital powers to the UK from the EU (which will almost certainly fail because France can simply veto anything we want) and then to have a change of heart in line with what is actually right for this country. There are lots of 'ifs' there but it could, potentially be a way for Dave to save his skin and secure a victory in the next election. It doesn't seem that anything else is likely to deliver that result - despite the ongoing evidence of past Labour failures which don't seem to be denting their electoral popularity.

Dave needs to do the above and embrace UKIP and therein the 'firm' right, if he is to have any chance of turning things around in my opinion. That is very unlikely at this moment in time, but next year's Euro elections could just be a strong catalyst for this change of stance. That is why they are so important and why I will, again be advocating a vote for UKIP; just as this year's local election results caused him to rethink his position, a strong showing for UKIP, based on an anti-EU stance could, if it is strong and clear enough, make Dave see the reality of his situation.

The sad thing, these days, is that politicians put their own livelihoods and well-being way ahead of their party and the voters they supposedly represent, let alone what's right for the country. But if it becomes a choice between saving their own skins or being voted out, they will inevitably come around to thinking properly about the will of the people and what is right for the country.

I think this is a slim chance if I'm honest, but if we sleepwalk - as we currently are doing - into control by Europe and the EU, we will have lost our identity and I would argue our ability to control our home-grown prosperity forever. We'll be a left-wing minor state with the same influence as Moldova, rather than a driving force for good in the world.

Please wake up people. This is real and present and massively dangerous.

Thanks for reading.

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