Wednesday 23 April 2014

Keep the pressure on on May 22nd. Vote UKIP

I'm not a UKIP supporter or member. By instinct I'm a Tory; maybe more accurate would be to say a Thatcherite Tory who laments the fact that in his shameless quest for power Mr Blair effectively pulled everyone towards the centre left, including the current crop in government.

I fervently hope that Dave wins the next election with a majority so that he can continue the job of putting this country back on its feet after the abject shambles that Labour left last time. In particular I'd like to see Mr Gove (or his successor at the DfE) complete the job of eradicating the 'blob' that is our underachieving leftie-biased teaching profession and in particular unions like the NUT and NASUWT.

However, for me the biggest issue - and frankly danger - we face is our membership of the EU. I know it's not top of the list of people's concerns, but that does not mean it's not the biggest issue we face as a nation. Double negatives are a no-no aren't they? ;)

It is not seen as 'front and centre' by most people because they are simply not presented with the facts by our main parties or the BBC who have all bought into the 'Common Purpose' bullshit that is embodied in the EU. If we don't get a referendum this time around it may well be too late for us to retain our status as a sovereign nation state, able to govern itself. It will mean that our laws will be made by people we didn't vote for and can't vote out and who know the square root of sod all about where we live.

And that will be a massive kick in the bollocks to the many millions who have fought and died for our ability to govern ourselves. I have blogged endlessly you might think on this issue so I'm not going to regurgitate my arguments, but you can read them here, here, here, here and here.

The point of this blog is to urge you to keep up the pressure on our politicians on the issue of the EU and the need for a referendum. The EU has gone way beyond the mandate we signed up for in the early 70s when it was designed (supposedly) as a trading bloc. It is now set on a course to create a united states of Europe with central governance, defense, financial policies including tax, laws, courts etc. We did not sign up for that and we simply need - and deserve, since we're paying for all this - to have our say before it goes any further.

Yes it's true to say that the Tories are the only party that can currently deliver a referendum (or have said they will do) but that has come about because of the pressure exerted at last year's local elections. If Mr Miliband feels he's likely to lose in 2015 he might be forced by public opinion to accede to our demand for a referendum. Frankly I don't really care who delivers it, just that it happens.

And that means, in my humble opinion, that we need to keep up the pressure on this crucial issue. It is sad that our politicians feel that they can do what the hell they like even when most people want a  referendum. But thanks to twitter and other media, they can now be forced to do what we want, if the message is powerful enough and the threat to their cushy lifestyles is strong enough.

The Tories have said they will deliver a referendum, so at the European Elections, there's not much point voting for them - they're already 'on side'. The Lib Dems have pledged not to offer a referendum at any time and are increasingly irrelevant if there's any justice at all in the world. That leaves Labour who are so pro-EU it's painful... or UKIP.

If you really care about the UK as a nation state, about controlling our future lives with some influence over our law-makers and politicians, you'll do the right thing on May 22nd.

You may have to hold your nose, I understand that - incidentally you might investigate UKIP policies sometime and find out for yourself that they are in no way a racist party, rather than just taking scared 'establishment' commentators at face value - but I hope you will vote for UKIP in May. It is not just about what's right for the people of the UK, but also for the millions who are suffering in southern Europe as a direct result of the EU. Being anti EU is not anti Europe; it's pro a diverse, fair, successful Europe for all of its citizens.

Thanks for reading

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